Month: April 2021

April 29, 2021


Sealed in a chrysalis, soon to be free
She is majestic going through a change
Gaining her strength, mighty as she can be
She is a beauty queen waiting to reign

April 22, 2021


Time stood still when I looked into her eyes
And nary a sound but my beating heart
As I was lost in her emerald gaze
She had me captivated from the start

April 15, 2021


She looks straight on, wearing her gorgeous smile
As gold loop earrings dangle on her ears
My heart starts beating faster for a while
As I stare at her photograph for hours

April 8, 2021


She seduces with her alluring song
Oh but beware she turns men into swine
Be pure-hearted to resist her potion
And she shows her elegance so divine

April 1, 2021


She emerges into the summer breeze
Hardening her slender body just right
Displaying her full elegance and grace
Flexing her iridescent wings for flight