Month: May 2021

May 27, 2021


Oh, fair maiden high up in the tower
With your long golden locks and wintry gaze
Let me be your Knight in shining armor
And live forever with our hearts ablaze

May 13, 2021


She is like a river so pure and wild With her soul running deep and full of life Her curves move gently along the hillside Yet enough to carve the earth like a knife  She is like a river with quiet whisperWith heart beating in rhythm to the world Her temper changes from spring to winter Yet an everlasting splendor unfurled  She is like a river flowing boldly  With adventures waiting […]

May 6, 2021


You always believed in what I can do
And showed pride when I reached a new plateau
You picked me up when times were at a low
And taught me to find the strength to get through